414 5.0 (2)
Ссылка на материал: Данный плагин позволит наносить скины на оружия из конфига.
Настройки server.cfg: sm_weaponpaints_c4 "1" // Enable or disable that people can apply paints to the C4. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled sm_weaponpaints_saytimer "10" // Time in seconds for block that show the plugin commands in chat when someone type a command. -1 = never show the commands in chat sm_weaponpaints_roundtimer "20" // Time in seconds roundstart for can use the commands for change the paints. -1.0 = always can use the command sm_weaponpaints_rmenu "1" // Re-open the menu when you select a option. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled. sm_weaponpaints_onlyadmin "0" // This feature is only for admins. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled. sm_weaponpaints_zombiesv "0" // Enable this for prevent crashes in zombie and 1v1 servers for knifes. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled. |